Jenny's blog

Google search can help with spelling

Google can help you when you don't know the exact spelling of a word.

For example you are looking for the word "melanoma", but you don't know the exact spelling. Something with a 'm', an 'e' and 'a' that's all you know.

You know it has something to do with cancer and you can spell the word cancer.

So in the search box of Google you type the word "cancer".

Google gives suggestion in a drop down box, in the list you will recognize the word "melanoma".




If you can read the following paragraph, copy it and send it to your friends.

Only great minds can read this

This is weird, but interesting!

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid

Live is to short to worry about "i" or an "I" !


Hurd just something on which (I think) a lot of dyslexics while agree on in the "BBC Click" program.

The phrase "he does not use capital letters to define his punctuation. So get over it. Life is too short to worry about these things." Very good said why bother white an "i"or an "I" while in the meanwhile so much is happing in the world.

Kate Russel presents Webscape and inform us about interesting websites and speaks about the web blog Deputy Dog.

Interview with Sherrilyn Kenyon / Kinley MacGregor

Sherrilyn Kenyon interview on being a writer and dyslexic

20 December 2007

Famous People:

Kinely MacGregor newest book "The Warrior"

The Warrior by Kinely MacGregor

Book Description

Lochlan MacAllister was born to lead. Ruthlessly groomed to take control of his clan, he has given his life to his people. But when he learns that the brother he thought was dead might still be alive, he embarks on a quest to find the truth.

Famous People:

Despite her dyslexia, MacGregor is a New-York Times best-selling author!


"The dyslexia is a bummer,” Kinley MacGregor (real name – Sherrilyn Kenyon) says, “as my copy-editors will tell you. My condition is so severe that is often manifests itself verbally.”

However, despite her severe condition, MacGregor has become a New York Times best-selling author, gaining fans all over the world. Her latest book, The Warrior, is being praised as her best. Suspenseful and riveting, this novel would be a feat for any author, but is a special success for one with dyslexia.

Famous People:

He taught me it was ok to be who I really was!

I met Richard J. Schock yesterday via e-mail. He suggested putting Kurt Cobain on the list of famous people; because Kurt Cobain was a great example for him. So we decided to put his sorry "Why Kurt Cobain was a great help to him" on the website and hope this will be an inspiration to you too.

The movie "Expresso" goes to the film festival of Cannes!

The film "EXPRESSO" by Kevin Powis and Martin Nigel Davey goes to the Festival de Cannes the 16th - 27th May 2007.

Martin Nigel Davey is one of the famous dyslexics, he is an actor and writer.

Elk kind moet zorg op maat krijgen in onderwijs

30/03/07 "De Vlaamse regering heeft een akkoord bereikt over een nieuw systeem van zorg voor leerlingen met een handicap, een leer- of gedragsstoornis. Wie een zinvol aanbod kan krijgen in het gewone onderwijs, moet daar ook terechtkunnen." vrtnieuws

Hopelijk kan men dit waarmaken. Ik denk dat het voor een grootdeel afhankelijk is van de mentaliteit van de scholen.




Every child has talents to nurture

I can acorss this article today (Feb. 08 2007).



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