What is dyslexia?
The Dyslexia Institute: FAQ’s gives answers on general questions about dyslexia.
The International Dyslexia Organization: What’s dyslexia and what are the symptoms.
How dyslexia happens: This article summarizes Ron Davis' view of the origins of dyslexia, and gives some tips for parents that will help prevent frustration and loss of self-esteem in potentially dyslexic youngsters.
New hope for dyslexic students By Laura Pappano. Feburary 2004, The Boston Globe.
The British Dyslexia Association: You will find statistics and an overview of dyslexia in general.
The International Disability Association: Gives an overview of dyslexia. Answers to general questions, what causes dyslexia, what is reading, what should be done, education intervention.
British Dyslexia Institute: Gives an overview of brain research and understanding of dyslexia.
Bright Solution for Dyslexia: What is dyslexia.