The testing
How to look for a dyslexia "testing/assessment program"
- Make a first diagnose yourself.
- Learn more about the learning disability.
- Keep in mind that it’s not uncommon to have more then one learning disability in one person. For example dyslexia and ADD are often found in one person.
- Once informed about the learning disability, go on the outlook for the testing/assessment programs.
- By being knowledgeable about the learning disability, you are better equipped to examine the different testing approaches.
- And to make a choice with confidence.
- Inform yourself how the test will be conducted, what will happen and why.
- Inform the child; so, they understand what’s going on. An informed person is more motivated to cooperate and it will take away their fears.
- What’s the purpose of the test,
- what will happen,
- and why.
- Let’s keep in mind that we’re testing a child:
- That probably has some unpleasant experiences with school tests.
- Or has a feeling “is there something wrong with me?”
- When tests are too complex or one is treated like some kind of a zombie, it will not contribute to their motivation or their self-esteem.
- Some thoughts about the testing:
- If there is no unanimous about the causes of a certain learning disability, then there is no unanimous about the testing.
- This is for example the case with dyslexia. I did not find a standard method to diagnose dyslexia. Methods range form very complex to rather simple approaches.
- According to R. Davis dyslexia and ADD are caused by disorientation. If one follows this thinking, some test results can different form test to test; because of the state in which the person is, orientate or disorientate.
- More information on the "how to test a young child".