The book "The Gift of Learning"
Proven new methods for correcting ADD, math & handwriting problems.
This book provides detailed instruction in the methods developed for addressing math, attention focus, handwriting problems, and includes a special section on motivation.
By Ronald D. Davis with Eldon M. Braun
The book is written in a very clear, easy to understand language. The "how to" is easy to follow, and leads you step by step through the process.
This book can be used as a supplement to the instructions in the book “The Gift of Dyslexia” and is great for people who working with students using the Davis reading techniques, or other basic learning skills.
Orientation for all (including younger than seven or eight)
Disorientation in one form or another is a major factor that prevents students from learning efficiently. The Orientation Counseling Procedure from “The Gift of Dyslexia” is repeated in “The Gift of Learning”, along with an alternate procedure called Alignment (or Focusing), which is great for students who learn better kinesthetically, or who are younger than seven or eight.
Motivation & responsibility
The more the student is motivated to improve meaningful life skills, the greater the success of the Davis Methods. Ron Davis discusses how to uncover a person’s own perception of the problem and help the student see a potential solution that will instill motivation.
R. Davis discusses how disorientation affects both the “hyperactive” and “daydreamer” varieties of ADD. The Energy Dial exercise is presented as a way students can adjust their energy levels to different situations.
Math: numbers vs. numerals
Understanding the difference between numbers and numerals explains the link between reading dyslexia and math problems (dyscalculia). A student can easily see that there are four of something (a number), but doesn't automatically make the connection with the symbol 4 (a single numeral). This book presents twenty exercises, mostly done with clay models, which allow a student to learn math in real world terms. Then numerical symbols and arithmetic functions are introduced one at a time until the student learns to work out problems symbolically using pencil and paper.
Legible handwriting: dysgraphia
R. Davis discusses various possible causes for illegible handwriting and presents procedures to correct most of them once the student is able to achieve orientation easily.